We started out following the Mapquest directions, which of course were taking us by the most direct route to our lodgings. While the woods of Maine are beautiful, what I really wanted was to drive along the coast. We took the next road going to the left and headed back toward the coast road. Looking for a place to stop for lunch, our road map showed picnic tables in Milbridge, which we were unable to locate. It seems they just plop those symbols anywhere close on the map that they will fit, which can sometimes make finding things difficult if you are not smart phone enabled.
But we muddle through.
After getting directions the old fashioned way, from the accomodating staff at the parks office, we drove a few more miles to McClellan Park. We assumed it would just be a typical village park with picnic tables, but no, this place was way more than we were expecting.
There was a tiny parking lot for the picnic area, and the tables were scattered randomly among the trees and not very close together. This beautiful out of the way spot was the perfect place to get our first closeup look at the coast of Maine.
Lots of asters in bloom here and multicolored lichens growing on the rocks.
Narraguagus Bay.
Plotting the next step.
What is it about water that draws you right down to it?