Saturday, January 15, 2011

Clam Cove

Our home for our four nights in Maine was at a beautiful inn situated on Clam Cove in Penobscot Bay.
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 030

The decor was nautical of course and this little guy with his nightcap on was waiting to greet us. He was just too cute to leave behind, so he now greets guests at our own B&B. No, of course we don't really own a B&B, but a family member that was visiting jokingly dubbed our house that, and the name has stuck.
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 001   strawberry hill 2010-09-22 002

The view from the room.
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 006

Guarding the pool.                                      Rose hips.....
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 010   strawberry hill 2010-09-22 015

strawberry hill 2010-09-22 011

pink asters...
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 018

and purple asters...everywhere.  Yes, it's true, I love asters.
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 020
                                                                Strawberry Hill
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 047  strawberry hill 2010-09-22 023
                A little fall color mixed in with the green.
               strawberry hill 2010-09-22 046

Stranded! at low tide.
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 021

Lobster buoys abandoned in the grass... retired?
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 050  strawberry hill 2010-09-22 049

Wherever we went, we could see these lobster buoys in the water.  The first time I saw one, at a long distance out, I thought it was a duck.  Until I realized it hadn't moved for at least 5 minutes.  A little slow on my part, but hey, we don't have lobsters in Michigan. Not in the water anyway.           strawberry hill 2010-09-22 034

We met a nice young couple here with a son who was a bundle of energy and never stopped moving.  The dad took a moment to get a shot of us.
strawberry hill 2010-09-22 043  strawberry hill 2010-09-22 040

In the morning we were treated to a gorgeous sunrise.
sunrise strawberry hill 2010-09-22 008

sunrise strawberry hill 2010-09-22 010  sunrise strawberry hill 2010-09-22 011
But the sun is almost up, time to get going. Places to go and things to see.
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