Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Reversing rapids

Next stop on our September road trip was St. John, New Brunswick, at the mouth of the St. John River.  Where the river empties into the Bay of Fundy are the reversing rapids that the city is known for.  We arrived at low tide when the whirlpools are visible and spent some time just watching the water and the boats that take passengers almost into the whirlpools.

reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 054 reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 039

                   reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 016
                                   reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 028

The weather was beautiful, and the sound of the water relaxing. We stayed quite a while as other sightseers came and went.

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                  reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 017

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reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 034

We had dinner at a restaurant situated just above the rapids, (of course, where else would it be), then attempted to navigate all the construction going on while looking for our hotel.

                  reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 040

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                  reversing rapids st. john nb 2010-09-20 044

High tide was not until after dark, but we went back, parking at a spot above the bridge this time, and watched the water going upriver. A strange sight to say the least.

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Windy and cold (well, for Florida) here today. Sunny though and our last day this visit, so off we went for a short walk on the beach.brohard beach 2010-11-04 002

brohard beach 2010-11-04 017

These two were having a great time at the dog beach.  The smaller one in the red collar would bark at his companion if he didn't get the toy until the other one would give it up.  Every time.
brohard beach 2010-11-04 008

brohard beach 2010-11-04 009

There was even a dog in the sky.

brohard beach 2010-11-04 026

         brohard beach 2010-11-04 029           brohard beach 2010-11-04 028

I hope I look this good at 91. And can still walk the beach... on a super windy day.

brohard beach 2010-11-04 030

brohard beach 2010-11-04 035

  brohard beach 2010-11-04 046

brohard beach 2010-11-04 049

brohard beach 2010-11-04 055

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lunch at the covered bridge

Information centres/rest stops in New Brunswick are a bit different than in the states, as they are not necessarily near the highway, nor owned by the province.  This one was a few miles away, we figured out why when we finally found it and drove into town. They have their own little claim to fame, a long one lane covered bridge over the St. John River, complete with picnic tables and souvenir shop.  At any rate, it was a pleasant place to stop for lunch as we continued to follow the river on the way to St. John.

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You can walk the bridge too.

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hartland new brunswick 2010-09-20 015
Roses still blooming in September.
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