Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Ontario between the Soo and Pembroke is beautiful, rocky and mountainous. It's also long, so we probably won't do it again as a drive through, but it was definitely worth seeing. The only pics I have were taken with my phone in a lovely riverfront park in Pembroke. They have a monument there of a replica Cockburn pointer boat, and several pavilions along the walk, all with historical photos and text telling about the area and the lumber and boatbuilding industry there.

pointer boat replica

The rest of the pics are of a wooden pointer boat built by the local high school students sitting atop a raft made of square logs which is how they floated the logs down the river during the lumbering era.

pointer boat and log raft2

pointer boat and log raft


We originally went to the park looking for a totem pole described in the AAA tourbook. The desk clerk at the hotel gave us directions, although her friend lounging at the counter visiting her thought it was not really worthy of a visit. Needing a walk after a day in the car, we went anyway. As it was at the far end of the park from where we parked, we didn't find it until it was too dark for pictures. The historical displays were a lot more interesting in any case. Maybe I should contact AAA and have them update their book.

A little add on to the previous post. The quality is really bad, but I thought it was cool what the the fountain at Sault Ste. Marie looked like at night.

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