North Jetty beach at sunset
I find myself in Florida again, visiting Mom. Although "visiting" may be generous, as Mom has little to say these days. But we are comfortable together, so the silence is OK. The ladies that come and care for Mom during the day keep the conversation going, and my nephew came for dinner last night and brought Karma and they livened us up for the evening.
Yesterday I walked the beach at the North Jetty. It was very windy and somewhat cool, but I love those sorts of days. Other than the serious walkers and shellers, I had the place to myself. I rarely pick up shells anymore, but the heavy surf brings in lots of new ones, and the lack of people to pick them up meant that I found things I hadn't in over 20 years of beach walking. Sea urchins lay on the beach by the hundreds, I could have picked up a bucketful. And different varieties of clam shells, still hinged together, which is very unusual when thousands of shells are being washed together every day and scrubbed by sand and waves. I threw a few live ones, and some live conchs back into the surf, so perhaps they could live a little longer.
Dolphins between the north and south jetties
I didn't take any photos, a bit out of character for me, as I didn't bring my camera along on this trip. At some point in my packing, taking the camera seemed liked just one thing too much. So of course I regretted it yesterday with the crashing waves and the birds and the shells. But I do have my laptop here and have photos of the same beach, taken a few years ago, although at sunset instead of morning.