I mentioned very briefly in that post that a film crew had been taping them and another racing family for over a year, making a documentary about snowmobile racing. The mention was so brief that I think most of my friends missed it and were surprised recently when I posted a link on Facebook about a funding effort to raise the final amount needed to finish the film. You can see the trailer for the film by clicking the link on the left.
The funds are being raised on Kickstarter, a site for raising money for all kinds of creative projects. The twist here is that the goal must be met, or the project gets none of the money pledged.
Most of these pics didn't make it into the original blog post, but I thought it would be fun to show the crew, mostly Nick, following, (or running after!), Ike and Emily getting footage of them before and during the race.
While it is certainly exciting to think that my daughter and son-in-law will be in a movie, the bonus is that we have made some great new friends in Nick and Lisa, and their photographer, Anna.
Normally I would crop a photo taken from this far away, but I love the Where's Waldo look of it. Can you find Nick?