Our family has a lake cottage that my Dad built way back in 1953, before I was born. So you could say I grew up there, in and out of the water. My parents sold our childhood home the year my older daughter was born, and even the house my husband and I built as young marrieds and raised our kids in is no longer ours. (Though we do still get to visit as the older daughter and her husband live there now.) So this place is really the last link to my childhood and it is always like going home. We stopped in on Easter Sunday on our way home from visiting family downstate and were greeted with this.
You can't see the sun set from our side of the lake, but sometimes, like on this day, the show in the other direction is just as nice. Dad used to call it the afterglow.
In the summer, when the boats are in, we often go out on the lake to see the sunset, and if we are very lucky, we also see loons. But I also love the way it is right now, when you can really see the lake, without all the boats and docks lining the shore. Except this one that is in very early, no doubt due to the 80 degree weather we had two weeks ago.